Friday, October 17, 2008

Japanese Inventions

JAPANESE. The first few things that forms in my mind is:






First thing that I found out in You Tube is the crazy Japanese toilet pranks they invented. Watch the video, and you'll understand. Just imagine, Japanese spend most of their free time inventing all these things. They might as well just make use of the free time to do something better and useful. Talking about inventions, Japanese are also quite 'creative' in their inventions compared to other people. A few minutes ago, while I was Google-ing, I found out that Japanese inventions are quite 'special' in a way. Scroll down and you will understand what am I talking about.

A 360 degree panoramic camera. What the heck?!
Put cameras around your head and snap the picture.
And TADA! A 360 degree picture is formed.

Cockroach swatter slippers.
Another 'creative' invention by the Japanese.
Happy swatting the bugs with your slippers~!

This is called a portable toilet paper dispenser.
Just strap it around your head and you can just
sneeze or cry anywhere without worrying.

A portable office tie. Useful to all working people.
But I can't imagine people actually have to carry the heavy load on their necks.

A ten-in-one gardening tool.
Sweat more by using that!

A portable umbrella.
Invented specially for lazy people.

A hair noodle protector. What?!
Japanese actually will wear that just to protect their hair while their eating?
This is insane, man...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buahahhahhar! The hair-cover invention was just plain funny!

I can't believe they can actually sell these kind of things in the market.

LOL! You have so much free time-ar? I thought exams already started? Apa kau buat sini?