Friday, October 31, 2008


Remember that time when I blog about the photo shoot for Ace? Yea... Now, Teacher Anne decided to treat us for a buffet dinner at Shogun because we helped her. So, I went there at around 4.00p.m to hang out with Audrey, Joanne, Chi Leng and Jackie. We watched House Bunny and it was SUPER FUNNY. I was laughing and laughing non stop and Audrey was joking with the "RUN, Joanne, RUN" thing. Okay... I don't wanna make this kinda draggy.... So, it's picture time~!

*All these pictures were taken from Joanne's blog.

Feeling hungry? We barely touched it.

I'm so sorry Audrey...
I just couldn't resist the temptation to post this.

Some kind of special mix that Audrey did...
Whatever it is, it taste kinda sour-ish sweet.


*The song is getting into my head right now*

*No comment*

Chi Leng, Joanne and me

Heart shaped roses in Yoghur Berry.
Not bad eh, Joanne... Nice picture you took.

It started like this.

Just before it ended.

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